Yesterday was I think fruitful. Being that this corporation is mostly a industrial corporation, I took some initiative and started to question why the market we are at didn’t have much from our corporation on market and selling.
Granted, we have had 2 wars and now they are over, so it should be back to business. I spoke with the CEO of Wolf Brothers INC
Nalki Rahl
and explained my thoughts as to how to get the market going and growing again.
I do know that I do not know the market as well as Lauralite Brezia or Sterling Blades, but I though it was good to stir the pot and and hopefully get things going on a more “normal” track now. I have to speak with them both in more detail as time allows, so we can come up with a good plan to help have everyone making isk, while doing what they like to do.
I may indeed have over stepped a certain boundary, but I think it for good cause to help others that aren’t as war friendly or pvp friendly have something to do in support of both the war and for the pilots who like to fight.
I was also humbled last night when the CEO Nalki Rahl appointed me as his second in command of Wolf Brothers INC. I take this as a great honor, but I am a bit nervous as to what everyone else thinks, specially ones who have been in the corp for more longer than I and have also worked hard within the corporation.

In closing, I am sure with the help of everyone and me learning more about the markets and the industrial aspects of the corp, we can build this corp up to something that we all can be proud of.
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