With the recent re-initiation of hostilities by Galactic Mafia, the UNF and its friends and Allies will be working to forcibly remove these disgraceful capsuleers from the local area in full, where they go after, we do not care, however they, and those that work under them, are not welcome in this space.
November 30, 2019
November 29, 2019
November 28, 2019
Really pisses me off
You know, when you are out hunting for targets for pvp fighting and you think you have a good one. You warp in and start the battle, this is the height of the excitement!
I found a Tristan in a novice site and got him disrupted, which was cool, but my Condor couldn’t take all of the drone damage and I wasn’t doing enough damage to over come his armor repair, which I lost the Condor. That isn’t what pissed me off, that was a goof fight!
What pissed me off is that when I went back to engage him again after getting a Merlin, I warped to where I thought he was but he wasn’t. When I arrived on gate, there was another ship who is blue to me (meaning we don’t battle each other due to alliance friendships) warped in at the same time.
My thoughts were “Let’s get the target together..” thinking since he was blue we could tag team the target. Once I was inside the site, the original target I came back for was not there and the blue ship slid the gate right behind e and entered the site. Once he entered, he immediately scrammed me and launched drones and started firing at me. I announced in local that he was blue to me and to stop, but he didn’t. I didn’t fire because I thought he was going to stop after seeing I said he was blue to me. Nope he took my Merlin and I was really pissed.
After he took my Merlin, he then says in local “sorry my bad”, which I replied a swift “Fuck You!”. I told him I was going to contact diplomacy and well he didn’t really care.
Whats the point of having alliances and friendships in this space if people are just going to ignore them and do what they want?
I want Justice!
November 27, 2019
More Missions Tonight
REMINDER: Tonight we will be missioning again. All are welcome. The estimated time is 11:30 est. Which is … 4:30 eve” - Nalki Rahl (CEO)
November 26, 2019

Defenders and offenders of New Eden, the second chapter in the EVE Online - Invasion expansion is now live, and free to download for all players!https://www.eveonline.com/now/invasion-chapter-two
November 25, 2019

A Dragoon is very easy to skill into, so you can fit and fly it. We at WolfBrothers can help you do just that and maybe even give you one, if you join.
November 24, 2019
Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
“Hey, you heard that the old dive off Dock 13 got bought out?” -
Lauralite Anne Brezia
Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
November 23, 2019
Membership Application
Our official membership application is now live on our website. If you are looking for a good corp, with good people, we look forward to hear from you!
Membership Application
November 22, 2019
November 21, 2019
Our friend Dianna Reed of Valkyrie’s Curse has started a contest for our corporation and alliance.
“ The video contest is now on! Make the best video you can before December 21 and win a pirate battleship of your choice!”
“Teams of up to 3 are allowed and all members can win. Alts are welcome but will only count as one person. Your video will be scored on 4 aspects: Risk, Setup creativity, Piloting and Editing “
November 20, 2019
EVE Aether Wars - Pre-register for Next Phase
Be part of record-breaking history and pre-register for the next phase of EVE Aether Wars, our ongoing R&D initiative to push the boundaries of large-scale, multiplayer experiences and explore the possibilities of Cloud Gaming.
November 17, 2019
Missions On Wednesday
Sekude will be holding another missions night this Wednesday at 11:30 EST (03:30 Eve Time) for all to enjoy.
Wednesday night we will be missioning again. We will have a salvage team, and upon request can field command ships and or logi.” - Sekude
Am I really cut out?
There is no doubt that I have been having a ton of fun in the pvp department, but I am starting to question the skills I have learned. I know to a few, they see me as a decent pvp’er, but I know to a lot more, I am by no means a good pvp’er.
This bring up the question in my head, which I wonder if I will be good enough to take out the people I really want to kill out right. Granted, as I have said before, I have a lot to learn.
Running through ships and hulls isnt my idea of a good time, my ideal good time is to not go through so many. I did on the other hand prepare for such a learning curve as I gave myself. I stocked up on hulls and can fit them pretty quickly as long as the modules are around on market.
I still get those shakes when I first see someone in local, that I am looking to do battle with, which granted have lessened in the past few weeks. I even heard from someone else, that they also get those shakes, but I figured with as many kills I have gotten and how comfortable I am in the ships I normally use, I would have gotten over those by now.
As far as corp life, things are going well and I am invited to teach newbros as they come into the group, and I am now a recruiter for sure for our corp. Matter of fact I thought I was going to bring in a new player, but he wanted to do faction stuff instead, which I can appreciate.
I guess in closing, the past few days havent been my best and I need to improve, but at times that seem daunting to say the least. I am still going to keep going and killing when I have the opportunity to do so and hope to grow from that.
enough with my ramblings and tomorrow is a new day.
November 16, 2019
November 07, 2019
November 06, 2019
while I was straightening up my place today, I was listening to some old Earth music. I am a lover of this type of music, plus they stuff they called “Dub Step” which I cannot figure out how it got that name. How do you dub a step? either way love these types of music.
When this song came on I couldn’t help but think that this would be a perfect fit for Laura and her “reputation” she has earned around Placid and New Eden. I wonder though, how long will she keep up the reputation or is it an old reputation that she doesn’t mess with? I wonder this because of the talks we have been having and I wonder if it’s related to this mark she put on my neck?
I guess I will see soon enough.
November 05, 2019
Lots Of Thoughts
I am having a lot of thoughts running through my head lately. First was rage, I lost a Merlin to a douche bag and of course when I re-shipped, he bolted. Not only that, when I did find him again he said “gee.. wont let it go will ya?”, I was like fuck no. He bolted again.
I also lost a Navy Caracal, by doing something stupid, not looking up a site before trying to take it on. Nothing like getting scrammed by a few battleships and losing my ship. I was dumb!
The last thought off the top of my head is about Laura, we sat down for a couple of minutes, discussing this mark she put on me, now to me this means something, it means a lot. I am getting the feeling it may mean something different to her, I dont know, kind of like a casual thing. We didn’t get to talk long because things came up and I had to leave, being on call.
To me, if someone branded you with a mark, it kind of means possession, or something like that, but I am getting a weird feeling that something else may be going on, I dont know. I will have to catch her again and have a nice chat and see where things are.
November 04, 2019
Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
Congrats to Sterling Blades and Windstalker Security Corp and Purosupekuta Resourcing Auxiliary-Navy, for gaining the security contract in
Archavoinet. We at Wolf Brothers INC look forward to working with you, for the benefit of everyone.
Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!
November 03, 2019
Special congrats out to our members and alliance, for having us appearing in the top characters, 3rd top cooperation and top 3 in alliances under UNF.
Lauralite Delilah Brezia & Sakein
November 02, 2019

What a bunch of fun last night defending our structure. They came with heavy heat with their Leshaks to try to take down our Tatara. Little did they know, we had friends in a fleet just outside the system on the way, to help take them out!
We provided support for the incoming dps fleet. Armed with Armageddons that were fitted to neut the shit out of the Leshaks. Once we undocked, it was pretty much game over. I got some mighty nice kills appearing on my killboard.

Special thanks to GMVA for their assistance and helping to take out the enemy.
November 01, 2019
My Twitch Channel
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