I just want to say something
When I started to stream, I just wanted to try to help other people learn about Eve Online. I got this crazy idea, that maybe I will try to do a fundraiser and see how it goes. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and boy am I happy that I did!
The community in Eve Online is a truly remarkable community of people who all like to play the same game. People take on different roles, whether they want to shoot other people or just chill and have fun mining and making isk.
I had always knew once I started playing that this would be a great game to play, to be honest, it's the only game I actually play on an almost daily basis unlike any other games I play. From what I hear other players are the same way.
The friendships that are formed in this community and real friendships, yes it's a game, but when you play as often as I do as well as the other players you form bonds that really stick with you. You chat in an in game chat as well as on other platforms like Discord, Mumble and other communication platforms and you really speak to real people with the same interests that you do. These interested aren't always in game interests but also other interests like music, fandom, personal experiences and experience that we have out of the game. You get to know these people and you start to genuinely care about these people.
As I said, I started streaming and thought I would try fundraising for something I believed in. I truly believe we as Americans need to thank our military for doing what they do, so we also as Americans can do what we like to do and protect our liberties that we absolutely believe in.
Our military, in my opinion, is kind of taken for granted, otherwise people like me wouldn't have to do fundraising to help these people out. This also applies to all of our law enforcement, first responders, people who also put their lives on the line every day to protect us the public.
When I started to do fundraising I really thought if I could hit $500 for a goal, it would be amazing and it was! The people who donated were emphatic about what I was doing and wanted to help any way they could. I had no idea that fundraising could be so much fun and I got to meet a bunch of new people in which I have formed relationships with.
I have to give a big shout out to the corporation Eve University. This corporation was created and still maintains it's ways to focus on teaching new players of the game on how to play the game. They have an extensive wiki that is literally packed full of information about any topic and aspects of the game its self. the wiki is also recognized by Eve Online and the knowledgebase is shared through the creators of the game.
I was once myself in Eve University and learned a lot from this corporation. I have also built up some great relationships and have many friends within this corporation. It is also because of the people within this corporation, that my fundraising quest has been so successful.
The people who come out with me and fly in fleets shooting other players has been amazing and I look forward to doing more and more fleets as well as fundraising. I cannot express enough of my feelings for the people who come out with me and at least try to have some fun and learn more in the process of getting blapped.
I also have to thank all of the other people whom we shoot at that have also donated in a cause they believe in also, even if not believing in this cause, but that I am doing fundraising in general for a good cause.
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