Went out with the Eve University newbros and was able to get some really good kills including a 100m Isk Worm that was really salty in local afterwards.

You can watch all of the kills which I have highlighted on my Twitch channel.
Went out with the Eve University newbros and was able to get some really good kills including a 100m Isk Worm that was really salty in local afterwards.
You can watch all of the kills which I have highlighted on my Twitch channel.
You know, to find a single Titan in space that will allow you to take photos of is hard enough. While running my small fleet last night, we got the incredible chance to see not only one Titan in space, but got to see two Titans and they let us grab screenshots of them as well. Although we didnt get kills last night, the views of the titans was good enough!