March 27, 2020
March 25, 2020
Last Fleet, I Got My Ass Handed To Me
Although all of our fleets are made to lose our ships, we stamp out all T1 ships, even some without rigs just to make them cheaper. But, it's still never a good feeling when you get your fleet destroyed.
The main reason why we got smashed, was that we were in high sec and sent a scout into the next low sec system and found out it was camped like a mother fucker. If we turned back, it would have been like 20 jumps to go back and it had been a very quiet night, except an Astero kill which had been the highlight at that point.
With input from the fleet, I came to the decision to jump the gate and try to at least take out one ship before we kicked the bucket. Everyone was on board and we jumped. The really bad thing is we couldn't even take out the frigate we had targeted and most of us got popped and most killed and sent back home.
Was it fun, yes. Did it cost a ton, no. But the ego always takes a hit when this happens even to the best FCs out there.

March 19, 2020
Saturday Night Fleet Night
This coming Saturday night March 21st, I will be FCing a fleet like I usually do. I will be FCing a destroyer fleet and hopefully will have a few frigate scouts to join also.
The corporation will be handing out T1 destroyers to everyone who wants to attend. These ships are pretty cheap and are made to not come back, so no need to worry about ship losses.
We have Thrashers, Talwars and Cormorants to pass out to everyone who wants to fly along. We will also have Condors on hand to pass out for any possible scouts that want to attend.
Fleet information:
Form Up: Archavoinet, Placid at Maracite Foundry 02:00 Eve Time
Fleet Departure: 02:30 Eve Time
Fleet Destination: Kadama, Black Rise
Fleet Timing: Around 1.5 - 2 hours or until everyone gets tired or gets blown up.
The goal of the fleet is to have everyone who attends gain their 10,000 skill pints for a pvp kill, while the event is still running.
If you are planning to attend, send me a mail/pm in game, or ping/dm me on discord or email me at
March 17, 2020
March 16, 2020
Worst fleet yet..
I just had a bad feeling about Saturday night's fleet from the get go. People who said they were going to show didn't and it took forever to finally get going with the few that actually showed, after waiting for almost an hour. I wanted to run a small ship fleet because when I ran a destroyer fleet, it seems as if we were only finding frigates in novices and had to wait for scouts to go in and take them out. So, my thinking was we all can fly frigates and get into novices.
The bad stuff happened when a corp member brought an expensive cruiser (which she asked me first and I allowed) and battle cruiser. I had warped the fleet to a structure and we had docked waiting on the big ships to get into system, because I had a battle cruiser and cruiser on dscan (Brutix & Caracal). Once in system they met at the station and docked. We were at the point of not being able to dock, when the decision of the cruiser pilot to undock and see what was going to happened.
The Brutix yellow boxed all of us and we were playing the game of chicken, due to the station guns. One of the frigate pilot accidentally open fired on the Brutix and it was game on. We did finally take out the Brutix but it was very costly, losing a ship worth over 300M Isk. The pilot wasn't happy and I dont blame them a bit.

We continued the fleet and tried to make up for the huge loss, but that would not be the case. I got a few kills as the night went on, but overall the fleet was at a big loss of isk, about 200M or so.

I will have to work more on FCing, even though this was a non-formal fleet, but it could have worked out better if the right decisions were made by me and really focusing on the fleet at hand rather than messing around. Again, this was not a formal fleet but I sure could have done better myself.
March 14, 2020
Painful Loss Today
Yeah I had a bit of an ego, I'll admit that. I had seen a Catalyst farmer in a small plex in the Vey system in Placid (low sec). I warped to the plex and got in and of course the farmer warped off right away before I could get a scram on him. I followed the Catalyst to a nearby station, where he docked.

Right when the Catalyst docked, I seen someone else come into the system and it was a Tristan. I thought, this should be an easy kill and scanned him down to the same plex I was just at. I warped right to the gate and he was sitting about 12 km off gate. I approached and that is the beginning of the end of my cool Corax I was using.

I approached to get into range and he scrammed me. I am afterburner fit, so that didnt matter much, but what did matter is that I wasn't able to scram him. He launched his drones and was kiting me the whole time. The mistake I made was that I thought I could get close enough to him to scram him, and I was ignoring his drones at first.
After seeing the drones doing good damage to me, it was at that point I started targeting the drones, but I was already at half shields. I had burned out my afterburner trying to catch him and didn't notice I wasn't moving (which we all know is the worst when in a fight). Before I knew it I was having a hard time locking his drones, because my overview didnt have the drones on it, to make it easier to target.

We all know how hard it is when fighting drones when they aren't on your overview for easier targeting. So I was starting to panic and I kept missing targeting the drones and then it was just a matter of time. I was about to kill a few drones, but they had eaten away far enough that I knew I was going to lose the ship.
What really burns my ass, is that when I blew up, I had selected a station to warp off to, but for some reason (I probably clicked the wrong dam thing) I didn't warp and sat for a couple of seconds. That's when I seen him target my pod and podded me.
I need to get back with Lauralite Brezia and do more training and doing different maneuvers and get better. The Corax isn't a big loss, but the loss of ego can hurt much worse.
March 13, 2020
Not a good night, but learned in the process
Last night I fought an acquaintance pilot I see time to time in low sec around Placid. He usually is flying a Kestrel and I know this. I had a couple of blaster Merlins that I had built to get blown up, which most pvp pilots know exactly what I mean.

I knew this guy was tough, he had even shared his normal fitting with me, but I figured I would give it a try anyways, which didn't end well for me in the end. I entered the plexes hoping to land right on him and scram him right away, but he was off 10 km from the inside of the plex anticipating me. His Kestrel was way faster than my Merlin and he was able to pull range from my blasters, which has a fall off range at about 4000 km.

Needless to say I didn't last long and it was just a matter of time before he took my ships. The great thing about this pilot is that he will leave my wrecks so I can pick up the remaining modules for future fights. We had a nice conversation in local and I told him next time, I will be bringing my own Kestral. He said he will be looking for me and welcomes our fights.
March 09, 2020
More in depth frigate pvping — Wolf Brothers INC
Like the last video posted here, this is a good tutorial for frigate pvp. This video goes way more in depth about pvp, fittings and a lot more for the people really wanting to get into pvp in a frigate.
More in depth frigate pvping — Wolf Brothers INC
Basics on frigate PVP — Wolf Brothers INC
This is a cool little video that is good at explaining the basics of frigate pvp. Where to go, what to basically fly and explains how you can engage people and what to avoid.
Basics on frigate PVP — Wolf Brothers INC
Active Tanking Learning Video — Wolf Brothers INC
This is a cool video that goes into a lot of details about how to active tank and you need to know all about active tanking.
Active Tanking Learning Video — Wolf Brothers INC
Eve Online Mining Course — Wolf Brothers INC
A course for doing mining in Eve Online, provided by the Eve University and the core classes that they teach within their corporation. They get in depth with everything about mining.
Eve Online Mining Course — Wolf Brothers INC
March 06, 2020
Killing my favorite bot in low sec
When ever I come across this bot chick, I always love to get a free kill. I don't know why this bot keep coming and staying in large complexes, but each time I see her I will kill her. You should too! She and I are located in the Placid region, and she is always hanging in the low sec systems around there.

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